a small phoenix on fire colored by shades of orange
A medium phoenix on fire colored by shades of orange


Make it smart, think decentralized

Smartitude Phoenix Landscape


a core with a chipset on top written on top smt

Make it Smart

Smartitude is a modern business entity operating in the IT sector, with expertise in Blockchain solutions, Internet of Things, strategic consulting, and subsidized finance.

Integrated IT Solutions

  • Blockchain and Smart Contracts
  • Internet of Things
  • Web Platforms
IT SOLUTIONSwhite chevron to right

Innovative Skills

  • Models for Business Digitalization
  • Subsidized Finance Solutions
  • Business Management Systems
CONSULTANCYwhite chevron to right

Knowledge and Training

  • Innovative Technologies and Industry 5.0
  • Digital Transformation
  • Project Management


a core with a chipset on top written on top smt

???How we work

Offer our partners a personalized path aimed at defining their contextual needs to check if the technological project is possible.

Put the skills of our entire team to support the client with continuous consultation through gathering of dynamic requirements.

Person who puts documents in an archive


Gather Ideas

lamp icon

Collection of needs and objectives.

Two people talkings



opened book icon

Transfer of fundamental theoretical concepts to create an integrated communication language.


three orange sparklesOur Services

Our team is specialized in developing solutions for Industry 4.0 and accompanies our clients in the digital transformation process, both from a technological and consulting standpoint.

personal pc that levitate over a surface

SMT/Software Development

personal pc that levitate over a surface

“Tailor-made“ IT solutions with cutting-edge technologies such as Blockchain, IoT and AI Systems and websites development optimized for better user experience and attractive design (UX-UI).

figura persona orancione che fluttua su una superficie circondato da linee che uniscono quadrati


figura persona orancione che fluttua su una superficie circondato da linee che uniscono quadrati

Professional consulting for improvement of business processes and strategies and coaching from project conception to integrated management through Calls for Funding and Training Programs


Contact Us

a small phoenix on fire colored by shades of orange

Let's discuss
on something cool

coordinates point indicatorVia Ildebrando Vivanti 99 - 00144 Roma

I'm interested in..

Software Development

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SMARTITUDE 2021 - All rights reserved - Via Ildebrando Vivanti 99 – 00144 Roma - P.iva 16358751002